Mini-Byte (Saturday): Screencastify & Technology Resources 1. Movie Talk resources – scripts, student handouts, & stories 2. Animated and live shorts to use in WL classes 3. If my family/friends were animals project handout 4. My UPDATED Technology Web site 5. Screencastify tool Saturday 4:30 Session ACTFL Core 6: Unit Design
Supporting Growth in Presentational Writing: Mad Libs with Google Forms & Autocrat

For many Novice-level learners, writing in phrases and paragraphs can pose a challenge. They are in the “list of words” and “memorized phrases” stage on their path to proficiency. Even after several exposures with the theme through various input sessions and activities, students will look at a blank paper and freeze. Where to start? […]
Thinking About Syncing? Thoughtful Technology Integration
Click on any icon in the presentation to access the tool or view the presentation on its own. Visit my Technology Tools for World Language site for more information. My online and in-person colleagues identify me as a technology guru for World Languages and an all-around geek. Yes, I do specialize in technology and […]
Supporting Student Growth from Novice High to Intermediate Mid Through Impactful Input: Qu’est-ce qu’on mange aux cantines scolaires mondiales?
Impactful Input: Qu’est-ce qu’on mange aux cantines scolaires mondiales? Vlog for this post! Unit objectives: These are the last two objectives in the Unit: Dis-moi ce que tu manges et je te dirai qui tu es. / Tell me what you eat and I will tell you who you are. You will find the […]
Impactful Input & Thoughtful Technology: One Food Unit’s Transformation
Vlog for this post! Supporting Student Growth from Novice High to Intermediate Mid Through Impactful Input and Thoughtful Technology: One Food Unit’s Transformation In a recent #langchat discussion, our topic was, “How can we plan for and provide scaffolding for output in Novice Level Classes?” I gleaned from the conversation that there were […]
Creating a language educator identity: What does French look like chez nous?
Creating a language educator identity: What does French look like chez nous? Who am I as a World Language teacher? I am engaged participant in the ever-evolving sphere of proficiency and thematic-based educators who constantly discuss, describe, and reconsider their practices. I belong to five World Language and educational organizations. I contribute frequently to #langchat, #ditchbook #edtech, […]
Le monde des animaux: Moving Novice-Low writers towards Novice-High
“Curriculum by Catherine” In this post, I share my resources on guiding new French 2 students from Novice-low writing to Novice-High with language chunks and sentence starters as well as a complex “If Clause” structure. Please let me know your thoughts on this idea in the comments on the page.
Instagram as a thematic vocabulary and cultural resource for World Languages
Explore the uses of social media platforms such as Instagram to present thematic vocabulary and cultural connections in this first post on the Thoughtful Technology Integration page.
Moi, professeur…
This blog is a new professional endeavor for me. Most of my World Language colleagues know me as “the tech goddess.” From an early age, I have been a scientist and an experimenter who uses the scientific method to explore my hypotheses on the many questions I investigated. My curiosity in science, technology, and World […]